Dental Implants
In La Jolla

It is estimated that 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and about 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth.

Dental implants offer a permanent solution. Book a consultation with Seaside Dental to learn more about your options for tooth replacement and restoration with bone grafting, implant placement & implant crowns.

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Digital Implant Treatment Planning

We use the latest digital tools to plan and place dental implants at Seaside Dental. With 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), we can take a 3-dimensional image of  the surgical site, determine the quality of bone in the area, and plan the perfect placement for your dental implant.

The Dental Implant Process, Simplified

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Single-Tooth Implants

Single-tooth implants are the most common type of dental implant. They consist of three parts: the implant itself, an abutment, and an implant crown. The dental implant is a titanium prosthesis that is surgically placed into the site of the missing tooth. Over the course of 3-6 months, the implant site will heal and this small post will act as an artificial tooth root.

Once the tissue is healed, the implant is ready to be restored! A custom crown will be fabricated to mimic the missing tooth and secured to the implant abutment, permanently restoring your smile.

Replace Multiple Teeth

If necessary, multiple teeth can be replaced utilizing a series of implants. Once these implants heal, permanent removable or non-removable dentures are attached that look and feel like natural teeth. Implant retained or supported dentures have a number of great benefits compared to traditional dentures, including enhanced comfort, better oral health and more natural bite and appearance.

Placements & Restorations

We perform both implant placement and restoration. Using your individualized implant placement plan, our doctors will place  your implants precisely, utilizing the latest in minimally-invasive surgical techniques.

As your implant heals after placement, we can begin crafting your implant-supported restoration, whether it be a single crown, an implant-supported denture, or an implant-supported bridge. Your convenience is our priority!

Dental Implant Maintenance

Proper maintenance is vital to lengthening the lifespan of a dental implant. Our team of skilled hygienists will help maintain your implants during your routine cleanings and we are always there to lend a hand should any issues arise over the lifespan of the implant.

Oral Surgery

At Seaside Dental, we can perform a variety of different surgical techniques related to the placement of dental implants, such as bone grafts to improve the availability of healthy bone before implant placement. We can also diagnose and treat complex occlusal (bite) issues, which are one of the leading causes of implant failure. If you think you may need preparatory dental work before receiving a dental implant, call us today to discuss your treatment.